About Me

Dr. Munavvar Izhar

Dr. Munavvar Izhar is a Nephrologist working as the CEO of Medical Education LLC. Medical Education LLC is a company offering online Board Review products for practicing Nephrologists and Internists wishing to certify and recertify their status with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).

Dr. Munavvar Izhar is also a medical consultant and on the Board of directors of an International Medical company called Amindo Biologics, which is New Delhi based.

Dr. Munavvar Izhar specializes in nephrology, nephrology & hypertension, and nephrology & renal medicine. Dr. Munavvar Izhar treats conditions affecting the kidneys such as renal failure, kidney stones, or chronic kidney disease. Dr. Munavvar Izhar graduated in 1987 and has been practicing for 34 years. Dr. Izhar has received the CMS Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification, as well as NextGen Ambulatory EHR, NextGen Healthcare, 2012.

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Dr. Munavvar Izhar, MD ..

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